Discounted Phone Skills Course Reveals: How You Set More Appointments, Increase Sales, Conduct Better Surveys and Improve Customer Service by integrating right-brain and left-brain communication skills.  Digital Download!

"Get All You Want," will help you reach the next level of success.  This simple and easy-to-understand audio-visual program will show you, your assistant, or your sales team how to engage with anyone you choose.  Enjoy communicating in the best possible manner that facilitates positive responses.  Learn these skills and avoid the mistakes that most sales people make.  You will experience greater success in every aspect of the sales process from prospecting to opening to closing.  Feel less stress and earn more money in the process.

The same content in our 2 CD/1DVD package shown above right sells for $97.00 at

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BONUS: Get Stan's Book, "All-Star Selling" in pdf format INCLUDED FREE!

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In this Download and Ebook Combination You Will See and Hear ...

  • How To Set More Appointments With More Good Prospects

    You will learn the verbal (language) and non-verbal skills that allow you to engage anyone virtually effortlessly in an open and candid dialogue that leads to mutual trust.  The bottom line is more people will say “Yes” when you ask to meet with them.

  • How To Answer Questions And Objections

    You will learn new skills that will help you respond to the doubts and resistance most people have to meeting or buying now. These new response tools will ease you into the appointment and sale without pressuring your prospects.

  • How To Open And Close More Sales More Easily

    Practicing the skills you learn will enable you to take your prospects and existing clients through a logical and emotionally gratifying process that leads them to making a purchase of your product or service by telephone or in person.

Check Out What Other People Are Saying About Stan's Work

Teleprospecting is one of the most important and, at the same time, the most dreaded aspect of professional selling.  Stan Fidel has produced an excellent video program that will educate and inspire people to be far more effective in getting through to the decision-maker and getting the appointment.  Every professional salesperson should watch this video and implement the lessons it teaches.

Brian Tracy, Brian Tracy Learning Systems


There are a lot of great sales people, but not many great sales coaches.  Stan Fidel is one of the few who has the personal skills, a great strategy, and a technology to help even experienced salespeople.  Stan has applied his time-tested user-friendly theory of communication to the profession of selling, while incorporating the most recent breakthroughs in psychology. . . .  In a friendly, personal manner, Stan provides the tools necessary to successfully deal with the variety of prospects who can be encountered daily.

Dan Sullivan, The Strategic Coach


All-Star Selling would be a tremendous resource for both the new sales professional who is just learning the tools and techniques of the sales profession and the established sales professional who needs the occasional refresher on how to hone his or her techniques.  Stan's book was an excellent refresher of the techniques we have all used over the years.

Marvin Feldman, Feldman Financial Group, Former President of MDRT

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