
Branding - What We Say Sells

Who Needs a Brand?

      Major companies all have brands to both position themselves in the marketplace and help consumers remember them.  Here's what I mean.  When you hear phrases like, "The quicker picker-upper," "We're number 2, we try harder," or "Just do it," you think of Bounty, Avis and Nike.  These are actually position statements that help differentiate a company from its competition.  Bounty works faster.  Avis works to please you and Nike helps you move towards your goal.

      Whatever industry you're in, having a position statement contributes to  your market's understanding of what distinguishes you from the others.  It also serves as a mnemonic device that aids people in remembering your company and product.

     Having a position statement that identifies who your company is and differentiates it from all others immediately elevates your company's image and makes it stand out from the field.

     For small businesses, this is especially important.  Check out your competition.  In all probability, they have no differentiation, nothing to distinguish them from the other companies that offer similar services.  Good branding, a good position statement, will give you a leg up over everyone else.

Why Choose Stan Fidel?

     For the last 42 years, Fidel Communications Co. Inc.  has specialized in strategic marketing, telemarketing and sales training.  Stan Fidel is a sales person, trainer, coach, author, speaker and student of marketing and persuasion.  He has taken the very best sales, marketing and communication courses and programs available in the U. S. and Canada.  He has personally helped over 500 companies position themselves in their marketplace.  The combination of Stan's own training, experience and caring have contributed to Stan's ability to assist many, very successful companies to reach an even higher level.

Our Process

  • We meet with you by phone or in person to discuss your goals.
  • We plan a half-day or all-day session to help you attain the results you want.
  • Stan Fidel facilitates your meeting to achieve the outcome you desire.
  • Your staff works together and everyone contributes to the end result .

Your Benefits

  • You get what you wanted from the meeting or retreat.
  • Your group enjoys more camaraderie.
  • Everyone is energized by the experience.
  • Stan is available for follow-up consulting as necessary.

To learn more, call Stan Fidel at 480-363-3298 or email